Regulatory Issues

All the courses listed below are readily available for enrollment. Please apply online for admissions. Thank you for choosing AIRDS.

RI001 Strategic Planning and project management for RegulatoryAffairs 16th -27th  March, 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Managers in operations planning and project management
RI002 Regulatory Affairs toDevelopment, Maintenance and Commercialization 30thMarch -10thApril, 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Regulatory specialists, operatives& Officers engaged in  operations
RI003 Skills for the Regulatory Affairs Professional 13th -24thApril, 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Regulatory affairs professionals, Graduate Trainees, and officers in administrative issues
RI004 Data Essentials and Analysis for Regulatory Professionals 27th April -8thMay 3,500 Kampala-Uganda software development professionals, healthcare , staff officers& data analysts
RI005 Advanced Gas Rates and Regulatory Issues 11th -22nd May 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Staff of the energy regulatory authorities, non-regulators such as ministry and local government representatives, utility companies, banking institutions.
RI006 Governance, Ethical &Regulatory Issues in CorporateFinance 8th -19th   June 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Supervisory agencies, Financial Institutions, Housing Societies/Thrifts, Insurance / Multinational Corporations, Accountancy &, Law Firms.
RI007 Regulatory commission operations, management and public relations 22ndJune-3rdJuly 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Corporate / public relations, computer network, Risk Managers, Operational Risk Managers: Senior Managers, Corporate / Public Affair Managers
RI008 Regulatory Approaches to Promoting Energy Efficiency 6th-17th  July 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Policy makers in government bodies in natural energy sector , staff in regulatory agencies and government departments
RI009 Issues on Global Regulatory Reform. 20th-31stJuly 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Financial Institutions
RI010 Medical Risk Analysis and Management 10th-21st Aug 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Professional Healthcare Risk Manager, staff officers.
RI011 Advanced Legal Issues and the Regulatory Framework 24thAug-4thSep 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Graduates in law or a similar discipline.
RI012 Management, Policy and Regulatory Issues 14th -25thSep 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Financial Institutions
RI013 International Regulatory Affairs 19th -30th Oct, 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Professionals at this level, Head of Regulatory Affairs
RI014 Fundamentals of Mortgage Lending 2nd -13th  Nov, 3,500 Kampala-Uganda New loan officers, Entrepreneurs, Finance and management specialists
RI015 Records management in Regulatory Issues. 7th  -18th  Dec 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Program administrators, managers, Records managers
RI016 Water Engineering in a Changing Environment 8th -19th   June 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Water engineers, technical writers,environmental specialists, Town Engineers, Urban Water Officers
RI017 Public Water Supply Engineering 10th -21st Aug, 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Water engineers, technical writers,environmental specialists, Town Engineers, Urban Water Officers
RI018 Abstracting water from water bodes; 24thAug-4thSep 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Water engineers, technical writers,environmental specialists, Town Engineers, Urban Water Officers
RI019 Properties of Materials in Electrical Engineering 7th -18th Sep 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Electrical /Electronic Engineers, chemical , electrical& mechanical / optical engineers, and materials scientist
RI020 Communication in Engineering 21stSep-2nd Oct 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Communication Engineers, Electrical engineer,
RI021 Introduction to the Engineering Profession 12th -23rd Oct 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Mechanical operators, Engineering Professionals
RI022 Ordinary Differential Equations for Engineers 9th -20th Nov 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Electrical /Electronic Engineers, chemical engineer, electrical engineer, mechanical / optical engineers, &materials scientist
RI023 Introduction to NumericalMethods in Electrical Engineering 23rd Nov-4thDec 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Electrical / Electronic Engineers, chemical engineer, electrical engineer, mechanical , optical engineers, materials scientist
RI024 Society, Environment and Sustainability 7th -18th  Dec, 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Risk managers, analysts in commercial, corporate, investment, retail banking in or dealing with developing countries
RI025 Benchmarking Infrastructure Operations 9th -20th  March 3,500 Kampala-Uganda managers, staff, customers, regulators, elected officials
RI026 Telecom Policy and Regulation for Next Generation Networks 16th-27th March 3,500 Kampala-Uganda those working for national regulatory authorities, incumbent operators and new entrants for Next Generation Networks
RI027 Energy Pricing 23rdMar-3rdApril 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Energy Regulator administers, investor owned utilities, independent power producers, consumer groups, regulatory authorities, government agencies
RI028 Practicing Leadership in a Political Environment 6th -17thApril 3,500 Kampala-Uganda local government authorities, politicians, religious leaders, political leaders
RI029 Utility Regulation and Strategy 20th Apr-1stMay 3,500 Kampala-Uganda mid- to senior-level utility regulators
RI030 Economics of Pricing 4th-15thMay 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Energy Regulators
RI031 Best Practices in Water Sector Regulation 18th -29th  May 3,500 Kampala-Uganda water providers, Regulators
RI032 Making Energy Efficiency Real for the People 1st -12th June 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Utility managers, policy makers and the regulators.
RI033 How can performance of government-owned utilities be improved? 15th-26thJune 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Utility managers, policy makers and the regulators.
RI034 What are the essential features of an effective utility regulatory system? 29th Jun-10thJuly 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Utility managers, policy makers and the regulators.
RI035 Consumer Engagement in Regulation 6th -17thJuly 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Regulators
RI036 Telecom Policy and Regulation for Next Generation Networks 13th -24thJuly 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Regulators
RI037 Making Energy Efficiency Real for the People 27th July-7thAug 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Utility managers, policy makers and the regulators.
RI038 Reset for Regulation?  Next Practices for Policy, Regulation, and Utilities 10th -21st  Aug 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Policy makers, Utility Regulators
RI039 Forum on Broadband Development in Africa 27th July-7thAug 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Regulators
RI040 Digital Multimedia Management and Regulation 10th-21st Aug 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Regulators
RI041 Utility Policy Today: Do We Have Strategies or Just Tactics 24thAug-4thSep 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Utility managers, policy makers and the regulators.
RI042 New Directions for Energy,Telecommunications, andAdministrative Practice 7th -18th Sep, 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Regulators
RI043 Performance Measurement Economic and Service QualityRegulation 21stSep-2ndOct 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Regulators
RI044 Measuring Telecom Provider Costs 5th-16thOct 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Regulators
RI045 Information Systems for Performance Indicators 19th -30thOct 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Regulators
RI046 Competition Monitoring in the Telecommunications Market 2nd -13th Nov 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Regulators
RI047 Competition in ConvergenceMarkets: Open Access andFinancial Analysis 16th-27th Nov 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Regulators
RI048 Methods in Radio Spectrum Planning and Management 7th-18th Dec, 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Regulators
RI049 Advanced Methods in Regulatory Pricing and Industry Analysis 9th -20th March 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Regulators
RI050 Changes in Climate andInformation Technologies: Who’s Driving Utility Policy? 16th-27th March 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Utility managers, policy makers and the regulators.
RI051 Executive Development Series for Utility Commissioners: Providing Leadership in Utility Policy 23rdMar-3rdApril 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Utility commissioners
RI052 Regulatory Economics for Telecommunications 6th Apr-17thApril 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Regulators
RI053 The Real Climate Change:Planning and Investing UnderUncertainty 20thApril-1stMay 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Regulators
RI054 Elements of Regulatory Finance for the Public ServiceCommission 4th -15thMay 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Utility managers, policy makers and the regulators.
RI055 Basic Telecommunications Regulatory Training 18th -29thMay 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Regulators, individuals who have recently moved into a regulatory position and wish to acquire a rapid grasp of the key debates, and seasoned regulatory experts who have become specialized   in a specific regulatory area.
RI056 Frontiers in Managing Reform and Regulation of InfrastructureUtilities 1st -12th June 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Regulators, senior executive managers while others focus on developing professional regulatory skills.
RI057 Utilities Management and Regulation 15th -26thJune 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Senior-level utility regulators and regulatory strategy staff from utility operators.
RI058 A Century of Utility Regulation:Looking forward to the NextHundred Years 29th Jun-10thJuly 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Utility managers, policy makers and the regulators.
RI059 Utility Price Reviews: Building Professional Excellence 6th-17thJuly 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Utility managers, policy makers and the regulators.
RI060 Emerging Technologies andTrends: Effects on Consumers,Industries and Regulators 13th-24th July 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Customers, Companies, and Regulators.
RI061 The Role of Regulation in Changing Markets 27th July-7th  Aug 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Regulators, officials of government ministries/ agencies directly involved in capital market matters like state banks, state pension and retirement funds, state Insurance funds, foreign investment officers, representatives of securities exchanges and staff members of supervising agencies. Private sector participants such as brokers, lawyers, accountants, company directors, and trade organization officers will also benefit from this course.
RI062 Managing Reform and Regulation in the Electricity, Gas,Telecommunications and WaterIndustries 10th -21st Aug 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Regulators, senior executive managers while others focus on developing professional regulatory skills.
RI063 Developing Tariffs andRegulating Prices &Interconnection 27th July-7thAug 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Tariff Regulators
RI064 Regulatory Training Course on Water and Sewerage Regulation 10th-21st  Aug 3,500 Kampala-Uganda Operators who operate and maintain hypochlorite systems or participants who may be responsible for the disinfection and safety of their water systems.